Flood Survey

This survey will take you one or two minutes to complete. If you prefer to submit it by and please check your post box for a copy of the survey.

We are concerned with the results of the flooding in the area and together with other residents we are trying to get a snapshot of the extent of the flooding experienced by residents before, on and after August 19th. The results of this Survey may be used to form the basis of a submission to Markham Council to request that the Town inform its residents what steps will be taken to prevent flooding of our homes in the future. The results will be purely statistical. They will not identify your home or yourself. Nevertheless, we do need your street address to chart the pattern, extent, and recurrence of the flooding in our area.

Flood Survey Form

Street Number and Street Name:

Postal Code:

Please select the appropriate boxes:


Has your present home ever been flooded?
Yes No

If you answered 'No' please go to section 7. We need responses from everyone in the area, not just victims of the August 19th flood.

Was your home flooded on August 19th?
Yes No

How many times prior to August 19th has your present home been flooded?
None 1 2 3 4 5 More times

How many times after August 19th has your present home been flooded?
None 1 2 3 4 5 More times


On August 19th, did the flood water come up through the floor drain in your basement?
Yes No

Did it come up through a basement toilet?
Yes No


Do you have downspouts that go below ground?
Yes No

If 'Yes', are they connected to the:
Storm Sewers Sanitary Sewers
Don't Know


Did you have insurance coverage for the flooding you experienced on August 19th?
Yes No Don't Know Didn't Use

If 'Yes', were you completely, or only partially, covered by your insurance company?
Completely Partially

How much do you estimate the flooding that you sustained on August 19th will cost in total to repair?
Under $1,000 $1000-10,000 $10-20,000
$20-30,000 $30-40,000 $40-60,000 More


Tick if any of the following was flooded near your home:
Road Walkway Path Ditches

Please give location and extent of flooding:


If your basement was flooded on August 19th, how long did the flood water take to rise?
15 min. 30 min. 60 min.
More Don't Know

To what height in inches did the water rise?
2 6 9 12 24 More

How long in minutes did the level of water take to drop again to zero?
30 60 120 More Don't Know


Are you aware of any similar survey to this being done by the Town or by any other group?
Yes No

If 'Yes', by which group?

Thank you again for taking the time to complete this Survey. If you would like to amplify any of your responses please use the comments area below. Thank you.